Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Puppet Theatre

I recently read a wonderful article about the common excuses or hurdles Moms need to overcome to before more "hands on". Definitely one article that was thought provoking and inspirational. I've started to make some serious changes because of the article. I fall into most of those hurdles and her counterpoints to the hurdles are definitely true as well. I almost feel silly maybe even lazy for not coming to this point sooner. I've been planning on doing so much with them but waiting until they're older or more skilled or have longer attention spans, and that just isn't the way to do it.

One of the points is that "The arts and craft projects never turn out!"

I feel like this is SO true. I am always intimidated by posting photos of our projects because they're never as neat or clean or whatever as the ones I've seen on the interwebs... Not that my children's artwork isn't gorgeous or artistic or a million times better than anything I see, I guess I always kind of figured the "polish" look comes from doing it with older kids... IDK but its not an excuse anymore... =)

I made us a Puppet Theatre!!! I fashioned it out of duck tape and the cardboard from a case of Coke... I even thought to make the "backdrops" interchangeable so that I can start to make puppets and scenes and keep a collection going for puppet theatre anytime... Kudos to Disney for giving a template for Jake and the Neverland Puppets. I printed coloring pages of Hook's Gang and I've got the whole set! I plan to tape the inside of the box too so it looks better... =)

Some Tips

* I came in from the top so that I could stand or sit behind it and just face the boys to make it work
* I taped a folder and a plastic sheet protector to the back so that I can change out back drops for different shows. I plan to make one using Space as a theme since Dylan is into rockets and space right now...

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